Placidity of Nature

12 March – 26 April 2013

Featuring 3 prolific artists and two guest artists, Iskandar Jalil and Suriani Suratman, the outstanding panoply of paintings and ceramic work evinced converge on a unifying curatorial thread: The Placidity of Nature.

The incisive, virtuoso, expressive brush strokes expressed in Goh Kheng Yew's latest series of oeuvres culminate a lavish fruition of conjoining femininity and masculinity while teeming on a palpable rhythm of fauna and flora around the world through German artist, Katrin Forster. An audience with Suriani Suratman's earthly ceramics will lead you to a journey that is replete with a dazzling array of whimsicality and spontaneity.

Simultaneously, Koek Chwee Kim's perennial allure is materially demonstrated in her pelagic-inspired porcelain work, as opposed to the curvaceous benign beauty observed in Iskandar Jalil's Japanese-influenced ceramic mastery work.