james john p. dycoco CV

Singapore has become home to a growing population of varied demography Asian. Not Asian. Local. Foreign.

Welcomed. Shunned.

The series 2850.59 ft is a collection of photographs of the back doors of the shop houses along Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, a popular tourist spot in Singapore. The decision to photograph the back doors was due to the labour force, the foreign talent being the subject of this series.

This is a study of demography through typology, not just of the doors themselves but also of the audiences’ perception, reaction, emotional connection, and overall state of mind when they look through each door. This series acts somewhat like a lineup with the doors as individuals. Each door has its unique characteristics that set it apart from the others but each door also has characteristics similar to some. Just like how demography works. One man is unique but belongs to a group with the same kind of uniqueness that he has. It is the audience that decides who each door represents, and its identity. Or they can just judge them as they are - DOORS.