Future Imperfect:
Young Printmakers League

4 June 2016 – 18 June 2016

The Young Printmakers League Mentorship Program had its open call in December 2015. The response was overwhelming and we received more than a hundred applicants vying for the six places allocated in the program.

With advanced technologies, computer software, and digital printers can do a better job of printing better and perfect pictures. However, this program is not about learning how to print pretty pictures. For printmaking to survive as an art form, we have to inject new ideas and push our boundaries to create prints beyond its traditional method in this changing world we live in. Printmaking has survived today not despite, but because of its imperfection. Our program encourages one to break some rules of printmaking.

The selected apprentices went through a series of workshops on various techniques of printmaking. In the process, they have to conceptualize what they would like to work on after these workshops. Throughout the program, the apprentices were encouraged to explore new ideas and experiment with new ways of printing. They have to look for unconventional ways of printing and materials to print on, without losing focus on their original intention.

This exhibition showcases works by the first batch of the Young Printmakers League. These works were created during the five-month mentorship program under Joseph Chiang of Monster Gallery

Participating Artists:
Ang Ying Xian, Fyon Cheong, Mary Bernadette Lee, Michelle Lim, Ying Tong Tan, Odelia Tang, André Wee, and Winnie Yip